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Hello, I'm Qibei-

Your tour guide for a natural yet empowering  journey 

that will help you unearth and embody 

your most whole and magnificent self.


about me


I was born in China, a country with the largest population in the world, yet I grew up feeling invisible and cut off. I numbed myself through years of cultural oppression and constant abrupt separations from my family. Every cell of my body remembers the devastation of an isolated, diminished life and the agony of being “the best robot”, trained only to obey and serve. Outside, I appeared to be living. Inside, I was dying like a withering flower bud that never got a chance to blossom.


Fortunately, my hunger for life evoked these two questions in me: What keeps us small and silenced? And what awakens life and makes it meaningful?  In the asking and listening to these two questionsI walked through many unfamiliar terrains of self-discovery. Inevitably, I had many times the sense of falling on my face, crashing into walls, and getting burned into ashes. Damn! No one told me it would be that hard. However, I knew I'd never go back to un-live my life again. Teachers in many different forms have come to show me the way, share their gifts, and guide my path. I'm constantly reminded to stay open to the mystery and the unknown as they bring the greatest teachings


The yearning for home is the calling of home. The scream of wanting to be alive is the voice of life. When I ignored the calling, I was trapped in suffering. When I began to listen and let the calling guide me, I woke up to the life inside of me.  


Read my blog "Why Not Live Now?".



I am an Integral Healer, a Somatic Therapist in training, a certified 5Rhythms® teacher and a certified original Circling® facilitator. While these labels might give you a rough sense of "who I am or what I do", please also know they only portrait a portion of what I am and what I offer.


It's been a blessing that medicine from many disciplines has helped me heal and grow. I learned that every modality has its unique gifts as well as limitations. Therefore, the work I offer is the inter-being of many practices coming together with an intention to empower organic, embodied, and bottom-up transformative experiences for my fellow humans.


Conscious Dance Movement and Conscious Communication practices are the main format of my current group work offering, yet everything I've learned, trained, and practiced are informing the what and the how



2024 - 2025:
2023 - 2024:

2021 - 2024:

2017 - 2020: 



2017 - 2018:


2016 - Present: 





2015 - 2016:


2014 - 2015:  


2011 - 2012:

2010 - 2012: 

Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner Training
5Rhythms® Dance Movement Teacher Training

Somatic Psychotherapy MA @ CIIS

Circling® Practitioner and Facilitator training with The Circling Institute

Movement Facilitation training with Sylvie Minot

Restorative Justice Facilitation training

Nonviolent Communication Leadership training with BayNVC

Soul Retrieval Therapy with Sandra Ingerman​

Somatic Meditation with Reggie Ray

Reiki Master Teacher 

Past Life Therapy 

Spirit Releasement Therapy 

Sandtray Play Therapy 

Shamanic Practitioner training (South America lineage) 

Ho'oponopono training

Clinical Transpersonal Hypnotherapy training 

NLP practitioner training with NLPU

Integral Hypnotherapy training

Family Constellating training with Bert Hellinger



-  I'm a proud single mom gifted by an incredible being who has been my playmate, teammate, teacher, and of course, always my dear child. By sharing my life with my son, I'm constantly learning, stretching, and growing in utterly rewarding ways


-  I am a consciousness movement dancer who cannot live happily ever after without moving my body in rhythms. This sacred embodiment practice has shown me that there's no way out to freedom and wholeness but through the body. A vast ocean of wisdom emerges when I am able to listen to my body's natural expressions. The dance has become an essential part of my spiritual practices that informs how I work with others.  


-  I'm a lifetime student of Buddhism mindfulness. To me, open awareness is fertile soil to grow all wisdom in any given moment and situation. I'm devoted to the practice of integrating my human being and my spiritual being to my best capacity. 





Call:  510-928-2322


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@2022 - Qibei Shen's Integral Healing and Coaching. All Rights Reserved.
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